Tuesday, December 22, 2009

st. louis: cavashawn and eikon

another blog? and so soon?

"devon, we're tired of your fucking show reviews."

i can read your minds already. but it's just too bad; you'll have to get over it. because it's what i do. and i try my best to keep in mind that i should write for myself, not to please an audience. have patience; because every once in a while a heartfelt something-or-other makes it's way in here. but for now, here's a little diddy about some of my favorite chicagoans.

amanda and michele came in town for this show and i couldn't have been more excited. i was still riding out the wave of my nashville high, and another show was right around the corner. partayyyyy. these two girls are some of my favorites and i would consider us the original three muskateers of our little "music group" if you will. they showed up to my house at two so we sat around and talked for a while, eventually got some dinner and headed down to cicero's. one of the bands dropped off the bill last minute, so some singer-songwriter was added and played first. he was alright, but i don't really remember much of him. we were too busy catching up on gossip, since that's generally all that gets thrown around when cavashawn comes to town. [the latest being that cavashawn got asked by the academy is... to join their "almost here" anniversary show at the metro... how fucking rad is that?] they eventually played second to a good sized crowd. lots of regular fans, lots of psycho fan-girls, and lots of fans of the headlining band, eikon, who played next. man oh man. this is my third time seeing eikon, and every time they just get better and better. i'm terrible at it, but if i had to do some comparisons, i'd say they remind me of a mix of thom yorke [solo album, not exactly radiohead] and muse, maybe. i'm sad to say i have yet to really talk to any of them or introduce myself, but i do know they're originally from st. louis, and moved to nashville about a year ago. the first time i saw them they claimed it was their last show since two members were going away to college, but obviously they're back in action. i know i don't really have the authority to say who's a legit band and who's not... but these guys are the real deal, and i don't think they quite realize it. i've been to a lot of shows and i've seen my fair share of bands. and i just know - i get this feeling - when bands have really hit the mark. and these guys have that "something" about them that's caught my eye. their myspace doesn't do them much justice and neither do their recordings even [look em up on itunes and listen to 'careful hands steady hands'] but the live show... whole different story. i'm just patiently waiting for the years to pass and hear their name pop up again in some magazine or whatnot. i have faith that they can "make it", whatever that means in today's music world.

so anyways. enough about bands that i don't even know. we sat around for a while afterwards and we eventually all made our way to a steak n shake. i don't know what it is, but the combination of us girls plus four band boys received lots of stares that night. hilarity ensued, good food was had, and we eventually said our goodnights and goodbyes. love those boys. what a fantastic night. we headed home and crashed into bed. amanda and meesh headed home around ten or so the next morning and that was that. successful trip to cicero's. if only i could count exactly the number of shows i've seen there... it's a ridiculous one, that's for sure.

upcoming blogs: some sort of "looking back on 2009/resolutions for 2010" narrative, a list of my top 25 songs in itunes, a list of unsigned bands that will forever humble me, and a treaty of paris review after their cd release party on january 9th -- BAM.

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