Tuesday, December 15, 2009

lawrence: the noise fm

i've seen a lot of the noize boyz recently and it's been great. they're so down to earth and so polite and i just can't get enough of the sweet southern accents. they'd been peer pressuring me to come to one of their hometown shows for a while now and this was the perfect opportunity. nothing better than a holiday show on a saturday to round out the last week of the semester. mike and sonja made the drive over from chicago, those crazy cats. it was thursday night when mike texted me "hey we're driving through columbia right now and i thought of you". long story short, we ended up at cracker barrel! haha. it was so weird to see them in my neck of the woods; i'm always the one making the drive up to chicago. but anyways, we had dinner, chatted, said goodbyes, and that we'd all see each other again on saturday.

saturday rolled around and i made the two and a half hour drive west - not too bad and i'll admit, this was only my second time venturing any further west than columbia. first time in lawrence too! it's a cute little city and has a really small downtown area - reminded me a lot of the loop in st. louis. the boys were [like always] too kind and guest-listed me, and i got to the bottleneck right in time for doors. the stage was beautifully decorated with presents, trees, lights, balloons and everything holiday-related. the opening bands were nothing to write home about, but mike kept me company and the noise fm eventually played fourth out of five bands. it was great to see them amidst a legit crowd, and it was even more exciting to see them rocking out while wearing ugly christmas sweaters... i made it home by around three something in the morning.

so that was saturday. i took my one and only final on friday and turned in my one and only paper earlier today. and that was it. my semester is over and done with. today is monday [tuesday morning] and i am sitting at home in st. louis nice and comfy by the fire. thank god i got that french final rescheduled; it was originally supposed to be this thursday at five thirty in the evening... but i'm trekking down to nashville on thursday to see we the living, so that wasn't an option. solution? fabricate a "dying family member" that i must visit, and therefore get my final rescheduled for an earlier date. i'm so going to hell. but hopefully it'll be worth it. i'm looking forward to a relaxing few days at home, some fantastic times in nashville, then some quality time with amanda and michele this weekend who are coming in town for the cavashawn show. good times ahead, my friends.

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