Wednesday, February 24, 2010

kansas city: fun. and jack's mannequin

i'm behind in the blogosphere! oh well, it was quite the busy weekend. but friday was indeed full of up and downs. i woke up feeling like absolute death and dragged myself through the day. i barely made it, so i decided to skip my last class so i could  take a nap before making the drive to kansas city. coherence while driving > american literature. so i came home and crashed for a few hours which helped my terrible stomach and headache, and was eventually on my way to kansas city. found the beaumont club with no serious trouble and got in line around seven forty five. doors were supposed to be at seven, but alas. we weren't let inside until eight and i missed most of vedera's set, which was dissappointing because i really liked the few songs i got to hear. i also did my good deed of the day - the couple in front of me didn't have any cash for the two dollar minor charge so i paid for all of us and told them to pay it forward. i know if that were me, i'd be pissed beyond belief if i had to lose my spot in line to go hunt for a random atm for four measly dollars.

anyways. the show. vedera was great and i'm definitely going to be keeping an eye out for them in the future. fun was fantastic as well, and i'm kind of ashamed to say that i haven't bought their album yet. no idea why, actually. but i'll get around to it when i decide to spend the money. i was secretly hoping they'd play a format song or two, but no... bummer. mr. mcmahaon made up for it though. he came on stage and proceeded to complain about playing the show because he'd rather be on the bus watching curling. HA. the set was amazing, i sang my little heart out, and of course made friends with the people next to me, and we made fun of the drunk girl behind me who couldn't even stand up. oh the entertainment. the crowd was great too, and we even succeeded in getting not one, but two encores. bad ass.

so after the show, we slowly filed out and i ran into the couple i had paid for earlier. we chatted briefly and they convinced me to get coffee with them - there was a twenty four hour coffee shop right next door to the venue and they insisted on paying me back since he had a credit card with him. so we got coffee and traded show stories, and i eventually made the drive back to columbia. it really restored my faith in humanity - it's not often you come across genuinely nice and honest people. what a friday night.

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