Friday, February 26, 2010

columbia: [meesh visits!] and life in jersey

so just as i was coming down from my amazing-friday-night-jack's-mannequin high, excitement level immediately shot back up because meesh was coming to see me! she's been all over the midwest for interviews and kansas city was next on the list. and of course, this meant a stop in columbia so we could hang out for a few days. i just can't get past how bizarre [and awesome] it all was. some random girl i saw at a show, eventually added on facebook, traveled to shows with, and now have become best friends with, was coming to hang out with me. we were in my college town, in my apartment, and not going to a show. we were just hanging out like any pair of normal friends would. i love my life and all it's strange occurances. [thanks for hookin it up, we the living.]

so we got dinner with my other roommates saturday night, and sat around watching the olympics and talked about everything under the sun. sunday afternoon involved lunch at bread co, and meesh eventually headed west to kansas city. and then monday came, and meesh came back after her interview in the afternoon. we once again were lazy bums watching the olympics... good times. tuesday brought a little excitement though. life in jersey was in town and i was super stoked to finally have a show buddy. small shows are always awkward when you're alone and i still haven't gotten used to it... so we got a late dinner and headed over to mojo's. opener was... interesting. life in jersey [with quite the line-up change] was fantastic as always, and highland fall was your typical pop rock band. not really my thing, but they weren't too shabby. so we hung around for a bit and bought some merch and tried to to explain to a very intoxicated carson how we knew various band friends. successful show. successful "weekend" hanging out with meesh. good times all around.

now, on to march. prepare for lots of show-related blogs. march will be the month that i will likely lose my sanity due to a multitude of epic shows and lack of sleep. let the craziness begin [on tuesday.]


  1. I'm jealous! That sounds amazing!
    And seriously, if you're ever in California for a show or something, let me know!

  2. Also, how'd you get your twitter to show up on your blog. I can't figure it out.
