Wednesday, July 22, 2009

st. louis: the noise fm

yet another show review. i'm sure i'm losing audience members who don't give a shit about what concerts i attend, but i like to keep my memories in written form. and plus i don't really care who reads this or who doesn't. it's more for me, so when i'm fifty with kids we can all go back and read about my ridiculous shenanigans and teen angst.

last night was the noise fm at cicero's. i'd yet to meet them and see them perform, so like always i was really excited and of course a little nervous. for some reason i always get really jittery before shows. i was also not too happy that i was going all alone, but that's the brakes. i've done it before and survived so this was no different. i did have one friend who wanted to come along, but she was in the midst of family tragedy and had to bail on me, so i had to be okay with that answer. well it turns out, i was THE only person there for the noise fm. literally. and there weren't many other people there at ALL so my social awkwardness was at it's all time high. it wasn't until maybe two minutes before they went on, did sonja and veronica show up [two girls from chicago who always show up in st. louis]. so just as i was about to SIT during the show, they walked up front so i at least had someone to stand next to. well the noise tore it up and blew my mind. it's always great when a band sounds like their record, but when they sound BETTER... well shit. it was great. alex, lead singer and guitar player, came up to me afterwards [i was singing along and gave him the date to their next date in stl with state & madison because he couldn't remember, ha] and asked who i was, and when i told him my name all sorts of recognitions light bulbs went off. ohhhhhh, YOU'RE devon. not really sure what that means, but cool. he then proceeded to ask if i knew the two girls who were in from chicago [yes] and if i knew of urbanites and state and madison [yes and yes] and if i had met their manager mike racanelli [yes]. "well damn" is the answer i got back. ha ha, funny kid. with the cutest accent ever! so i bought a shirt and ended up getting the cd and a poster for free which was nice of them. i took off right after the set promising to see them again soon at the firebird and then again at the artisan in columbia.

as for the rest of this week, it's gonna get crazy. tomorrow is incubus, unless someone buys my ticket off me so i can go see paper route instead... the next day is coldplay. i'm not even a die hard fan, but it's fucking coldplay. so i'm excited. and the following day i'm running away to chicago. that's right, more last minute plans; wicker park fest to see cavashawn and treaty of paris on saturday and company of thieves and margot and the nuclear so and so's on sunday. plus seeing michele and nikki and the wonderful sam who is letting me stay at her house. STOKED.

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