Friday, July 3, 2009

respect - [in defense of the genre]

i'll never understand how people just won't go to shows. "oh, i don't feel like it." "oh, i don't have the money." whatever the excuse is. i just don't get it. these up and coming bands work their ASSES off and sacrifice EVERYTHING to put on a good show. the least you can do is show up. musicians are some of the hardest working people i know to exist on this planet, why aren't there more people out there paying to see their shows, buying merch and promoting the SHIT out of them? i just don't get it. how does music NOT give you the ultimate high? don't you want to see these people succeed? this is their CAREER. if not for them, if not for the music, if not to earn your daily scene points, do it for ME. as my friend [or blog stalker], GO. be appreciative. look at just what these people do for YOU. so many years in the making for YOU. so many long days and nights, hours upon hours of driving for shitty shows with ten people in attendance, countless rehearsals, countless times loading and unloading gear, literally thousands of flyers going out, posters to hang, myspace, facebook, twitter and blog comments to keep up with, video blogs, and actually playing shows. for YOU. the friend. the listener. the fan. the audience member. the person they're trying so desperately to reach. take a minute and look at the sacrifices these people make in their daily lives to please YOU. yeah, maybe they're lacking in showers and haircuts, but i don't think there is anyone else out there that i'd be willing to have so much respect for. i don't know about everyone else, but it humbles me to the point of putting my face on the floor. that's why; that's the reason i bend over backwards for these people.

now, you may or may not be thinking i'm a hypocrite right about now. this is about the music i feel passionate about, and the people and the bands that i feel are worth my time. there are indeed bands that i couldn't care less about. maybe someone or something else really strikes a chord in you. whatever it is, go after it with all you've got.

end rant.


  1. I would like to leave a comment. but i would be much too lengthy. so we should go get coffee, and let me respond. because I do have an ACTUAL response for once =)

  2. I love my Dev, standing up for what you believe in!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!! See you SOON!!!!!!
