Monday, July 27, 2009

st. louis: incubus and coldplay

what an intense two days. incubus played thursday night at verizon wireless and coldplay on friday. i bought the tickets ages ago and had really been looking forward to both concerts. well, by the time incubus rolled around, i had a million and a half other plans for that same night. paper route was playing at the firebird and i've ever seen them before. so i tried selling my incubus ticket but alas. no one wanted it. katie didn't really want to go either and we didn't really feel like putting up with our wild group of that friends that we were supposed to be going with... but i paid thirty bucks so i went anyway. it was a good show, don't get me wrong. i really did enjoy myself. but i wasn't quite feeling them like i used to. music comes and goes in phases, i guess. last summer was an incubus summer... this one, not so much. but over all it was a good time and katie and i spent some really good quality bff time together. deep and meaningful conversation about life is my favorite and that's precisely what we did in her driveway for an hour.

coldplay was the next night, and i was STOKED. any misfortunes from the night before i knew would be made up tenfold. and they were. katie, bri and i went together and had a fantastic night. katie was absolutely beside herself; coldplay is her absolute favorite band. coldplay is to katie as brand new is to me. [which means she was crying tears of happiness and on the verge of a massive heart attack for about two hours.] i'm not even gonna try and claim that i'm a crazy huge fan of them. i own all their albums, i love viva la vida, and i know their big hits. but that's about it. regardless of any and all of that though, THIS SHOW WAS FUCKING AMAZING. there were gigantic yellow balloons during yellow, butterfly confetti, shooting out of cannons, thousands of people singing along and overall a great atmosphere. the band even came out onto the lawn for a few acoustic songs and i got pretty close. such a good time. not so much of a good time when we sat on the parking lot for almost two hours trying to leave though. that sucked because katie had to get up at five thirty the next morning and i had to get up at seven. rough times. but so worth it.

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