Thursday, April 30, 2009

i'll grow old, start acting my age

sometime i really miss xanga. it felt more homey i think. it had real blogrings, and real groups of friends. people i actually talked to, people i had things in common with. i actually added a girl on facebook the other day; i followed her blog for about two years. it's great to have a connection with someone over a blog and over music. i know it's all i talk about, but i just wish people would understand it. i wish you would get it. how giddy it makes me, how high it makes me feel. how euphoric the experience of listening to brand new is for me. i get goosebumps every single time.

[jesse lacey, leader singer of brand new]

we workshopped one of my poems in class today, one that i posted here last week about music and the concert experience. and of course it was ripped to shreds and i came out with a lot of criticism, that's what a workshop is for. and don't get me wrong, there are a lot of pretentious indie snobs just like me in the class. but the rest of them just don't get it. and therefore did not like my poem. and claimed it was mean towards people who don't like music. well you know what? fuck you. you're missing out, and i only feel sorry for you. i'm a pretentious indie snob and i'm damn proud. maybe i'm only fired up about this right now since deja entendu is feeding my ears delicious sounds as i type. but regardless, i still mean it.

in other news, fourteen more days here. and i have the room to myself this weekend AND next weekend. that'll be sweet. still hoping/stressing about that job situation though...


  1. #1) Come get a job in INDY!!!

  2. 1) I read your blog when it comes across my dashboard Devon. AND I enjoy it! Well, sometimes I want to give you a big hug when you're going through a rough spot. I just don't always comment because I know my comments get long quickly and so I avoid it unless I know that the author is okay with that and/or wants my opinion.
    2) I really like your poems. Sure there's always tweaking, my poems have that too -- but on the raw level of capturing a moment or an emotion into striking words. There's a gift to that, not everyone has it. You do. You also have a knack for noticing what goes unnoticed (like the white noise of the soda can.) Don't let anyone else's opinion make you hate what you love. Write poems as long as it gets your soul into words and as long as it's for you -- and forget everyone else. You don't write for other people, you should do it because you love it and happen to be good at it. As soon as you start doing it for other people instead of yourself, you'll lose the reasons it matters. Any form of art, music, literature pr performance is like that. Lose the heart and you lose everything that made it matter -- you're just a robot performing the same tricks.
    3) Critiques are good for seeing things from new angles. But at the end of the day, all executive decisions are up to the artist. Evaluate them, listen to them if you think the point is good -- and then throw them out.
    4) Déjà Entendu is incredible. End of story. You're right to love it.

  3. ok so no throwing things - i had never heard of brand new until like, ten seconds ago. also CRITIQUES SUCK. sorry but they do. yeah they're constructive and helpful and blah blah blah but quite honestly i'd much rather have someone saturate my work in praise. anyway. brand new, i'm on it! - greg

  4. I know exactly what you mean, i get goosebumps too

  5. the devil and god creates a hurricane within my soul.
