Monday, October 3, 2011

st. louis: without a face, stamps, tommy & the high pilots, and ludo

bear with me, as i seem to have gotten so far behind that the mere thought of attempting to get caught up makes me cringe. but in a burst of creative mania, i'm ready to tackle this beast that has gotten really backed up in regards to show reviews. i've had a lot on my plate with school, work, and popwreckoning, but better late than never, right? here we go.

hometown ludo shows are always my favorite. hometown ludo shows with a bunch of friends in the middle of summer is even better. sam came in town for about a week and we scheduled in some great hangs with molly, claire, chris, tom, and a bunch of awesome people. we made a day of the loop and met for a late lunch at the noodle cafe, wandered around in vintage vinyl, and had some chats with convy and henry before the show. without a face opened and was insane and weird and hilarious and awesome as always. stamps played next and were really great. who doesn't love robert morris, ginger, and former member of the hush sound? i met him while sparks the rescue played (i'm not a big fan) and we pretty much became bffs. so much in fact, that i now refer to him as my bff robert morris. we're tight. after stamps was tommy and the high pilots who i have quickly fallen in love with. so. freaking. talented. sam and i unfortunately gave up our spot in the pit when we went to mingle with friends in the merch room, so we watched ludo from afar. it was a cool experience though; i'm always amidst a sea of hardcore fans so it was neat to see them from a distance. and let me tell you: space dracula's basketball expo is no fucking joke. the entire stage was decorated and every member was dressed head to toe as either an astronaut, dracula, or a basketball player. hilarious. they played a great set as they always do.

we mingled for quite some time afterwards, went to ihop and ate so much food that the waiter even commented, and eventually went home and waited for henry's arrival. he slept in his car outside the venue the night before. i took pity. totally worth it, as i got to hear his superior rapping skills and a new song entitled twisted sexual assault about the tsa.


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