Saturday, October 8, 2011

columbia: hey penny, stamps, and tommy & the high pilots

what better way to celebrate my last first day of school than with a show?! abby and i went to see stamps and the high pilots with katelyn on our first monday back and it was oh so worth it. there was a decent crowd considering the circumstances and all the bands were great, starting with the opener called hey penny. they were so great and they're from nashville so what's not to love? stamps played next and were wonderfully charming as always. they had a seven hour drive + a flight to catch so they packed up and left as soon as they could. i didn't have a chance to talk to everyone, but i did say hi to andy and my bff robert morris. tommy and the high pilots were up next and as much as i enjoy them in a large venue, it was nice to finally see them in a more intimate setting. tommy has this voice that is just spectacular, i can't even explain it. but it gives you goosebumps and makes your eyes well up. for the love of all things good, go listen to their music. seriously. they're so good. so so good. we didn't stick around long since it was, after all, a monday night and we all had early mornings, but it was a great way to start the semester off with a bang.

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