Tuesday, January 18, 2011

st. louis: the without a state tour

featuring without a face and state & madison

ohhh this. this tour, these people. so many stories and so many things that are to never be talked about again.

state and madison. my loves. words cannot describe my love for them. they came to visit me in wonderful st. louis on the craziest weekend of my life, and by the time their show rolled around i was exhausted. first up was one man band henry, of without a face. i'd probably seen henry play a good five or six times with my gaggle of chicago locals, but had never really introduced myself. let's just say that night was the beginning of what will eventually be marriage. he opened, made everyone laugh, and it was great to be among all of my st. louis music friends. we're a scarce bunch compared to those of chicago, but we're getting there. state and madison played next and of course tore shit up. it was my first time seeing alan play as their new drummer too, so that was fun. both bands and about eight of us friends all shipped out to denny's for a rowdy and way too sexual dinner. words cannot describe the topics of conversation and the pictures taken that night. oh my. both bands were going to drive to columbia and crash at my apartment there, so we were in for a long drive. tony knew i'd had a long and tiring weekend so he rode with me to keep me company and keep me awake, and everyone else followed behind.

and we'll leave it at that. many shenanigans commenced upon arrival in columbia. those italians, i tell ya. they snore all night long and drool on your pillow!


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