Monday, January 17, 2011

st. louis: PLAY:stl fest: the noise fm, eagle scout, cast spells

surprise! my friend carolina met me in columbia and we carpooled to st. louis for the day for this festival. my noise boys were playing and she's quite partial to one of them, so i couldn't turn the cute girlfriend down! it was a lovely day out, perfect for walking the delmar loop. play:stl fest has been an ongoing thing for a couple years now and draws some pretty big acts. so sad they're not doing it again in 2011. oh well. so we met up with alex, got our wristbands, and made a beeline to chipotle to get our free burritos. we walked the loop a bit, made a trip to walgreens, and then decided to take a mini field trip to a really cool set-up we'd all noticed on the drive down. there was a church that had a bunch of ladders set up and it was a sight to see. carolina's photographer-self was freaking out and she got some really cool shots. here's me:

so after our little photo shoot we headed back to the loop so the band could load in at the regional arts comission. not the best place for a show (echo is the understatement of the year) but everyone made the best of it. somewhat-local-band eagle scout played a great set, then the noise fm, and finally cast spells, the side project of david davison, lead singer of maps & atlases. what a hipster day.

the noise boys (and noise girls) all crashed at my house and of course were introduced to the basement...

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