Sunday, July 11, 2010

st. louis: the noise fm

you've heard about these lovely boys a million times over. so i'll keep this short and really sweet.

they played cicero's last saturday, so i went home for the weekend. i left columbia really late, stopped by my house for two seconds, and drove straight to the loop for the show. opening band played a sweet cover of daft punk's harder faster stronger or whatever that song is actually called. the next band, i have no memory of. clearly it wasn't too exciting. then the noize boyz played. wonderful as always. austin's girlfriend aley sang on one of their new songs and it was fabulous. she's adorable. my friend carolina was also along for the four day tour, so we chatted it up and i was finally able to pass along the local natives tickets i has purchased for her and a friend. carolina and i also bonded over our love for taro milk tea from bubble tea. i met alex's alter ego who has yet to have a name, but wears hipster glasses. and we all chatted about chicago and how exciting their move is going to be in august. anddd that was about it. they were making the five hour drive back to lawrence that night so i didn't stick around too terribly long afterwards. love them, as always.

as excited as i am for their move to chicago where they'll be among their band friends and more of their kind, it's gonna suck losing the one band that i only have to drive two hours for instead of five like everyone else. siiiiiiigh.

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