Sunday, July 11, 2010

columbia: black gold, the young veins, rooney

yes, i realize i'm more than a week overdue. i don't really have much of an excuse, just the fact that there was a lot going on last week with work and friends and the like.

but you don't give a shit about that, you want to hear about rooney! so i shall tell you all about it. i've been a lukewarm rooney fan for a good six years; my friend abby has been a superfan for way longer than that. so when she asked if i wanted to go with her, of course i said yes. because i'm devon, and i never pass up an opportunity to see a show. plus it's exciting to know that i'd have a buddy along with me instead of going it alone like usual. well like i said, i'm a lukewarm fan, so even though i knew rooney had been around forever and had been signed to a legit label, i still wasn't sure what the crowd would be like. so abby and i agreed to get there in time for the show to start, as neither of us really cared about missing a little bit of either of the openers. well i'm not sure what the deal was... maybe a combination of columbia being a small college town, and it being summertime when students are gone, but there was hardly anyone there. i'm terrible at number estimations, but there's no way there were more than two hundred people there. which, the blue note holds eight hundred, so it looked pretty sparse in the there.

black gold opened and they were pretty decent pop rock. i don't remember much about them besides the fact that they're from new york, their lead singer looked like jesse feister, and that their drummer was bald and wearing an  "i <3 weed" t shirt. nothing crazy spectacular, but they certainly weren't bad, and they kept the crowd entertained. the young veins weren't quite as entertaining; besides the screaming tweens who were jizzing their pants about seeing former panic! at the disco members, there wasn't much excitement going on on stage or in the crowd. my thoughts on the young veins? "meh." moving on to rooney...

they were really great live and even better than on their albums. they have kind of a surfer, beachy vibe to their music, and the backdrop featuring palm trees and a sunset made the vibes even more prominent. i have yet to give their new album much of a listen, but they played a good mix of new and old, so i had my fair share of songs to sing along to. i wish i had more strange or cool things to tell, but everything ran smoothly and it was a pretty straightforward show full of head bobbing pop rock. i did get a pretty sweet parking spot directly across from the venue, and prefectly parallel parked. but you probably don't care about that, so i'll leave you with the suggestion to pick up some rooney tunes if you're looking for some summer beach melodies. you won't regret it.

1 comment:

  1. First i mistook rooney for rooney the footballer from England.
