Friday, April 30, 2010

columbia: quietdrive

i was having a really shitty night on tuesday. the amount of homework was piling up and the reality of finals week quickly approaching was really stressing me out. not to mention i drove to campus and waited at the library for an hour for my debate partner who never showed... so i said "fuck it" and texted my friend tabitha who i knew was in town for the quietdrive show. fortunately, there was plenty of time for me to still make it in time. so i ran home, dropped off my stuff and drove on over to mojo's.

the crowd was sparse, which surprised me. you would think that i'd be used to the fact that no one goes to shows anymore, and no one really cares about bands anymore (i'm not bitter). but whatever. the small group of us that were there enjoyed ourselves, and i got the chance to talk to kevin, the lead singer, afterwards and we traded stories about our many mutual fan friends and band friends alike. the two other times i've seen quietdrive have been at large venues and festivals so it was nice being able to chat for a bit. i bought their newest ep and left a happy camper. it was a super last minute decision, but it was a good one.


call me up
take a drink
maybe misery
just my heart
let me go
it's a shame
time after time (cover)
rise from the ashes

it was neat seeing a band i've been a fan of since my early high school years, and even cooler to finally have a chance to talk with them. if you're into pretty basic pop rock, definitely check these guys out. they make some really solid and catchy tunes and it's great for summer drives with the windows down.

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