Thursday, October 1, 2009

st. louis: see the world and my lady four

weekday shows, especially beginning-of-the-week shows aren't my favorite thing during the school year, but this one was definitely worth it. see the world is a new band, but by no means new people to me. [if copeland and barcelona had a love child, it would be see the world.] jeremy, lead singer, played bass for a while with we the living, and sam, well i guess you can say that we've been facebook friends for a while and share lots of mutual friends. ha.

so i left columbia a little before four on tuesday and decided to head down to the loop to get some bread co for dinner. i called jeremy to see what they were up to and it turns out they were at said bread co. so i pulled up a few minutes later and we had ourselves a lovely little dinner date and caught up since it's been a YEAR since i'd seen him last. i finally got to meet sam too, which was nice. cute kid, super sweet, and so ridiculously tall! so we headed over to the venue after a while and they got set up and introduced me to the guys in my lady four. we proceeded to sit and wait for doors to open. the first band was pretty interesting; they used live auto-tune which was a bit of a turn off [since tony's brainwashed me], but besides the weird vocals they didn't seem too shabby. [i looked them up later and noticed they'll be back in st. louis soon playing an acoustic set - i'm really curious to see how they'd sound sans distortion.] random chick-drummer band was up next, but sam, jeremy and i hung out in the bar for a while since it was FREEZING cold in the venue area. see the world was up next though, so we headed back in, and i really enjoyed their set. i'm pretty sure they played their ep in it's entirety plus one new song, which i really liked. it's just the two of them so it was interesting hearing just keys and guitar with so much in the backing tracks; i can't wait to hear them live with the full band.

my lady four was up next. i hadn't heard of them before the "see the world tour" hype, but i'd checked out their music online a couple weeks ago and it sounded good. they proved themselves in a live setting too - i really liked what i heard. i don't like comparing bands to each other, plus it's hard to do... but they reminded me a bit of fall out boy. pretty traditional pop-ish rock, but maybe a little bit harder. a few songs were reminiscent of my brief love affair with emery too. so that was that. there was one last band but we were all too antsy and cold to sit through it so we jeremy and i hung around outside while the guys loaded up the trailer. they decided it would be best to drive to columbia, as i had offered them a place to stay, and jeremy rode with me on the drive back. i feel like i say this about every band i blog about, but it still amazes me. i've only seen this guy twice before in my life, but it feels like we've been friends for ages. we had ourselves some good converation for a good two hours, and thoroughly enjoyed cake and ice cream for dinner at two in the morning when we got back to my place. who knows when everyone else got there, i was a goner. they left around nine-thirty the next morning to head back to minneapolis, and there you have it. my lovely tuesday night adventure. jeremy said they hoped to be back near the midwest soon come springtime, so i hope he's telling the truth. i can't say that i like full-year spans between seeing my friends and bands.

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