Monday, August 3, 2009

st. louis: warped tour

just when i'd convinced myself that it was acceptable to skip a warped tour... "all the bands are shitty, you're not missing anything" i thought. just when i'd convinced myself that it was all gonna be okay... emma texts at me at three in the morning. "wanna go to warped for free?" well DUH. i can't pass up a free show! so that's precisely what i did. i made a couple hundred copies of state and madison fliers, made plans to meet up with jon from building rome, and agreed to earn my free ticket by helping emma promote and hang posters for fueled by ramen.

well apparently things were a little out of sorts this morning. we arrived a little after nine, like we were told. and what time did we actually get in? fucking eleven. two fucking hours later. the same time as everyone else. by the time we got in and found our tent, it was too late to hang posters. so we handed out cobra starship fans, the swellers pamphlets and a random assortment of stickers. mission accomplished. and i handed out probably two hundred or so of my fatty stack of state and madison fliers so i'm considering that a success as well. we caught a little bit of saosin, sat in for big d and the kids table and enjoyed less than jake from the shade of the monster tent. well by that time i was getting pretty tired and frying faster than an egg on the sidewalk; so i said my goodbyes and headed out to the parking lot to leave some fliers on cars. i called jon. no answer. i called again. straight to voicemail. but alas, i have great timing because as i was snaking through row after row of cars leaving behind my trail of little paper squares, i started noticing the windshield wipers had building rome fliers under them. well i finally caught up to jon; we chatted briefly and he agreed to come to the show on sunday, and then we swapped a handful or two of each others fliers - he took some state and madison and i took some building rome. it was an excellent team effort, i tell ya. four hundred fliers and about and hour and a half later, i was empty handed. i crawled my way back to the car, blasted ac, and headed home. good days work.

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