Wednesday, June 3, 2009

st. louis: barcelona, person l, mae

woah. i neglected a show review! and since i'm such a perfectionist, i need to write about it now even though it's going to mess up the order of my blog... (god i'm a freak.)

may 19th. epic show at a little venue called off broadway just on the edge of southside ghetto st. louis. i had no one to go with (what's new) so i called up my friend allison who happily agreed to come along. a great band called tokyo was up first, but unfortunately their trailer had broken down in alabama so their singer, robert smith, was there alone. he put on a great acoustic show though, and i really enjoyed it. i'm such a sucker for boys and their guitars. next up was a local band called tonight at seven. they actually impressed me; it's hard to find talented local musicians around here. so by the time i got all excited and had thoughts buzzing around my head of getting to know them, blah blah blah... they announce it's their last show ever. damn. oh well.

barcelona was up first, and i think i was about the only person there who came to see them. (as in, i was the only one dancing around and singing along and felt like an idiot since everyone else in the crowd was pulling that shoegaze bullshit.) but regardless, i really enjoyed their set. it's great to hear bands live that actually sound like they do on record. and they even played a fantastic cover of "one" by three dog night. apparently i was the only one who knew that song too... by this point i was getting the traditional "concert back" so allison and i went upstairs to sit and saw most of person l from up there. (person l is kenny vasoli's new band/side project/whatever you want to call it after the starting line went on hiatus.) i didn't know much of their music, but they sounded pretty good. little did i know that i would get a text the following night from a friend in minneapolis informing me that person l was sleeping on her couch... small world. love my music friends.

mae was up next, and although i'm not a huge fan of them, they put on a really neat show. they had some sweet graphics projected on the screen behind them complete with 3-D glasses for the audience. very cool. so towards the end of the show, i ended up buying person l's cd, mae's new scratch-n-sniff ep (how cool is that?), mentioned both urbanites (you're welcome mike) and we the living (you're welcome matt) to a very drunk barcelona drummer (who knows if he even comprehended what i was saying), and handed out a few flyers for state & madison and cavashawn. successful night. so basically what i want you to do, is check out barcelona. because they're absolutely amazing. and listen to the song wooden soldiers by person l. you certainly won't be sorry.

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