Friday, December 23, 2011

columbia: harrison hudson

so my friend casey texted me one thursday evening and said "hey, what are you doing tonight?" knowing that she lives in kansas city, i was a bit confused. but nevertheless said "nothing, what's up?"

turns out she was at a show. (where else would she be, let's get real.) there was a band playing who had a a show the following night in columbia and needed a place to stay. she wanted to know if she could offer them my apartment floor to crash on. so of course i said yes, because it's what i do. i let bands, both friends and strangers, sleep on my floor when they need it. so she gave harrison my number and we texted away. they got into town, we had some beer and shared many laughs. they're signed to favorite gentlemen records, which was started by manchester orchestra's lead singer andy hull. so we talked about manchester, and we talked about brand new, and i tried my best to maintain a calm demeanor. we also talked about who they're touring with next and while that's probably not something i should spoil before the band actually announces it... let's just say that i'm pretty stoked. they passed out in the living room, i stumbled to my bed and the night was a success. we watched the goonies and ate pizza the next afternoon, and they eventually headed out to run some errands before the show.

i dragged abby along with me to sideshow and the guys were kind enough to guest list us. there weren't many people there to see them play, but their set was great and abby and i both bought CDs.

it was a short and sweet two days and i made some valuable connections thanks to casey. good times.

check em out:

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