Tuesday, June 14, 2011

st. louis: civil twilight and jimmy eat world

civil twilight, one of my favorite bands, and jimmy eat world, one of the bands that shaped my early teen years. of course i'm there! it worked out well, too, because abby decided to come with me and it ended up being our friend cortney's 21st birthday weekend! so she made the trip from kansas city to st. louis and we had ourselves a fantastic birthday/concert fest.


we got a late start to the day, but headed down to the loop, grabbed dinner at cheesology, and made our way to the pageant. we timed it perfectly and walked in the venue just as civil twilight started playing. they were the only opener and played for a good forty minutes, but it felt disappointingly short. i'm so used to seeing them in smaller venues headlining, but that's the price you pay for bigger shows. oh well. we left the pit after their set and bought cortney some birthday shots, got a couple drinks, and headed upstairs to the balcony to watch jimmy eat world. the balcony is 21+ and it was the first time for all of us up there, so that was fun. we danced, drank too many vodka cranberries and had a lovely time. jimmy eat world played for a gloriously long time, i believe it was ninety minutes. normally i'm a little more invested in setlists and musicianship, blah blah blah. i mean i write for a music blog... but this show was about cortney's birthday and having a good time so that's precisely what we did.

shitty cell picture from far, far away

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