Wednesday, March 10, 2010

st. louis: we the living

i know you peed a little when you saw the title. because i know you're STOKED to hear about the amazing weekend i had with my biffers we the living. i talk about them a lot, as i'm sure you've noticed. [read about them here or here when i was a wee bit angry or here or here or here when i saw the best show of my life.] it was indeed a good weekend, and i'd been counting down for quite some time. we the living plays a hell of a lot of shows, but it'd been over two years since they'd played st. louis. TWO YEARS! ridiculous, i say. absolutely ridiculous. so i decided to make a three day weekend of it and came home from school on thursday night to hang out with my dad. we bonded over angelo's pizza and i enjoyed the small things in life [like watching youtube videos on quality wireless internet and finishing season three of one tree hill.] friday came quickly and all of the sudden it was five and matt was calling me. they were playing a secret show at lafayette highschool later that night so i decided to go hang out and watch the set.  'green room' time was interesting; we played catch and made epic slow motion videos with matt's new canon. [prepare for some seriously bad ass episodes of we the living television in the future, just sayin.] their set was interesting as well. let's just say there were a lot of technical difficulties and it was a nice little warm up for the following night at cicero's, ha. they played a few new songs though, and i'm super excited for all of it to get recorded. it sounds amazing. then some highschool girls asked which one of the guys was my boyfriend and i had a good laugh. we scarfed down twenty bucks worth of taco bell post show and headed back to my house for a slumber party. we watched dear jack and then we watched weeds. and then we lost half the group to sleep. so adam, matt and i had ourselves a little ping pong tourney downstairs and some delightful conversation amongst all the animals. [did you know that ghandi was gay? or that unicorns wear uniforms? or that matt has some seriously amazing break dancing skills? ask him about it sometime.] well five am rolled around and we decided it was best to hit the hay. oh the shenanigans, and that was only friday.

saturday involved grocery shopping, a starbucks run and some amazing lunch courtesy of brian and adam, and copious amounts of weeds season two. we eventually shipped out to cicero's and picked katie up on the way. arrival brought the unfortunate news that they were playing first at eight twenty, instead of nine like the website said, so i made some frantic phone calls to friends and everything worked out, thank goodness. cicero's can be really hit or miss, especially if you play first [when nobody's there yet] or last [when everyone's gone home]. but there was a great crowd and the show was amaaaaaazing. i really wish i could remember their set better, but i don't. i was just enjoying the moment and reminiscing about how things had truly come full circle. i was at cicero's, with two of my best friends, the very two people who i saw my first we the living show with, which was the day i met amanda and michele, which was the day that changed everything in my life for the better. not to mention i was surrounded by hazelwood west alumni who'd seen we the living two years before performing in our school's auditorium. LOVED it. i distinctly remember barometers being extra awesome, and i remember they played 'all i need' and i think two other new songs which i've forgotten the names of. and sound of love has taken on a new twist. jp plays guitar and sings like normal, but matt and brian ditch the bass and guitar, and bang on some drums and it's proooobably the coolest thing ever. think mutemath-esque drum bad-assery. [was that even a sentence?] i somehow ended up with a tambourine, too; that was fun. and then it was over. all too quickly it came to an end, but MAN did they sound good. we the living is out to change the world of music and i have full faith that it's going to happen soon. just you wait.

this is a video from the show, of the new and improved version of sound of love. <#


  1. Coming from a percussion background, I've gotta say that was some pretty sick drum work. Definitely got my attention.

  2. the first sentence of this was so incredibly true.
