saves the day: fuck yeah high school
motion city soundtrack: fuck yeah high school
say anything: fuck yeah high school
there was no way i COULDN'T be at this show. and of course it's nice having friends who work at the pageant and can get you guest list +1. teehee.
i was planning on going it alone but my friend molly got a last minute guest list spot, so i made a small detour, picked her up, and we had a lovely time together reliving our girlish fantasies. we missed all of valencia and most of saves the day, but niether of us minded much. i was mainly there for motion city and say anything anyway. and holy shit did i rock the fuck out. excellent show. truly, truly excellent. we mingled with people outside for a while, talked to most of the motion city boys (molly's good friends with them) and eventually found brian their tour manager, who molly is also friends with. he was the one who got her a last-minute ticket, so she wanted to say thanks. in the time we stood waiting for him by the buses, we ran into max bemis and kenny vasoli... kenny, who when he saw us yelped "hey!" and promptly tripped over a tree branch in front of him. funniest fucking thing i've seen in my LIFE. so we eventually said our goodbyes, i took her home, and made the lengthy drive back to columbia blasting old school say anything songs from unreleased albums. yeah. that's right. #morehipsterthanyou
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