so after an already exhausting thursday night, i somehow managed to make it through my friday with the sights of another show in the near future. i scrambled to finish my packing after class and was on my way to st. louis once again, by a little before three. i met michele at my house and it was absolutely lovely seeing her again - we realized it had been three months since we'd seen each other! way too long, i say. we scarfed down some chinese food that my dad brought home and were on our way to the pageant by five or so. doors weren't until seven, but ours were earlier since we has vip passes. to our surprise though, there wasn't even anyone in the regular line yet. but we went in and talked to levi, the "in charge of vip people" person. meesh introduced me to him since they'd me at previous shows, and we passed the time fairly quickly. we got our coveted spot right in front and waited for the show to start.
as tall as lions played first and apparently this was the first show in a few cities that the lead singer was even able to sing, due to sickness. so it was nice to hear a real set, not just instrumental. they were really great and i'm definitely planning on picking up their music. there was only one opener so mutemath was up next. man oh man were we stoked. they opened with the nerve and things only got better from there. i can't even describe how great of a live show they put on. i'll admit, i'm still not totally won over by the new album yet, and i haven't really listened to mutemath that much as of lately. but holy damn did they put on one hell of a show. i suggest that all of you see a mutemath show before you die. darren, the drummer, is set up near the front of the stage in which you get to see all of his crazy antics. this guy is a regular monkey. he runs around and bangs drumsticks on anything he can find. he throws mic stands around and at one point throws a drum into the crowd, leaps out himself, and eventually hoists himself up on the drum that the audience is holding. he then proceeded to jump from the drum back to the stage, which was probably a good six or seven foot jump. insane. utterly insane. they ended the show by destroying everything on stage. sweeeeeet.

we talked to as tall as lions for a while after the show and they were all hilarious. meesh got some pictures with them, including some rather strange shots of dan holding her hands trying to telepathically send her his birthday. (it didn't work.) we eventually made our way outside to wait for mutemath, and after waiting for what seemed like forever, and after delivering halloween candy to rob from as tall as lions, darren came out and then eventually greg. both of them recognized meesh and commented on the fact that her family had been at the past three shows, which i found to be hysterical. gotta love the swiharts. we got pictures with the two of them and made small talk. we eventually said goodbye to levi [probably around eight times that night] and told him we hoped to see him around next tour. he was so adorable, i just wanted to stuff him in my pocket and smuggle him home. two out of four band members were good enough for me, so we headed to steak n shake for dinner, then proceeded to stay up until five am watching youtube videos at home. go us. but it was great to catch up since we hadn't seen each other in forever and i don't regret it in the least. more to come about the rest of the weekend when i get the chance.
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