Thursday, July 28, 2011

st. louis: company of thieves

so this one time, many ages ago, i saw company of thieves at the firebird with stamps and sleeper agent. it was about a month ago amidst summer welcome chaos which is probably why i have little memory of it. working mizzou's summer welcome program is sweet but man is it exhausting. i can only assume it was a weekday show that i drove to st. louis and back for because i went alone. not to say it wasn't great though! because it was. i got there a little late and unfortunately missed the opening band stamps whom i was excited to see. some chicago friends of mine (phil kosch, duh) had really been talking them up plus there's a ginger in the band. need i say more? but i guess i either read the venue website wrong or they did a switcharoo. because i got there fashionably late with the intention of missing sleeper agent, but alas. it's not how it worked out. sleeper agent was alright, but my vision was probably skewed by the disappointment.

 company of thieves put on an absolutely fantastic show as always though, and i was pleasantly surprised by how full the venue was. not to say they don't deserve it - they deserve to sell out the pageant - but it was nice to see that they'd gained a solid following in st. louis. it's about time! i ended up bumping into my friend nathaniel who, funny enough, i had met almost exactly a year before at a company of thieves show. so we hung out and watched the set together. and i don't know what else i can say about the band that i haven't said a million times before... they're jaw-dropping.

look both ways
queen of hearts
modern waste
old letters
the fire song
nothing's in the flowers
king of dreams
in passing
death of communication

(encore) oscar wilde
(encore) won't go quietly

i skipped out right after the set because of the two hour drive back to columbia coupled with a 6am wake-up time. but it was worth. company of thieves shows are always worth it.